Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Ah, New Year’s resolutions. The way we all attempt to get a fresh start at the beginning of each year. While intentions are always good, research has found that about 45% of people give up their goals by February.
So, what can you do to make your resolutions stick? Here are some science-backed ways to keep yourself on track for the new year courtesy of EcoWatch.com:
Clarify and Honor Your Values
Ask yourself why this goal matters to you.
People who are guided by their authentic values are better at achieving their goals.
Frame Goals and Your Life in Positive Terms
Focus on what you want to accomplish, not what you don’t. Although you might fear that this will spur complacency and inaction, studies show that gratitude and other positive emotions lead to better self-control in the long run.
Change Your Environment to Make It Easier
Research suggests that people with high willpower are exceptionally good at arranging their environment to avoid temptations.
Be Kind to Yourself, Even During Setbacks
I think this is the most important of all. Everyone slips up. EVERYONE. Being hard on yourself just gives you an excuse to give up altogether. Know you can pick yourself up again and move on!
Try self-compassion instead. Cut yourself some slack and remember that being human means being imperfect. When you fall for that doughnut, don’t despair, and don’t throw in the towel. Treat yourself with care and understanding and then recommit to your goal the following day.
Check out more ways to keep your resolutions HERE!