Top Ways People Are Waking Up These Days

I am appalled…APPALLED that people are mostly waking up refreshed. Where is your neurosis and agitation from the night before? Ok, it’s just these people in this new survey.


If you dread waking up in the mornings, you’re not alone.

A survey of 2,000 Americans found that one in seven respondents said they’re not morning people, with 35% saying they still feel tired and another 31% feeling groggy.

Those who are not early birds say they would rather sleep in than make breakfast. A quarter (26%) shared that they don’t have the time to whip up a tasty meal in the mornings. 

These are the top feelings for people who wake up:

  • 1.  Refreshed
  • 2.  Tired
  • 3.  Energized
  • 4.  Groggy
  • 5.  Happy
  • 6.  Peaceful
  • 7.  Excited
  • 8.  Moody
  • 9.  Grumpy
  • 10.  Angry

Where is “mad at Applebee’s commercial” and “confusion” on this list?

Read more HERE!

How do YOU wake up each day?

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