What’s a good way to keep your kids off of social media? How about bribery? Sweet, sweet bribery.

A mom from Minnesota paid her 12-year-old son $1,800 to stay away from social media sites and apps!

“I was already a little sensitive to social media since his siblings had struggled with it a bit,” says Lorna Klefsaas. “I watched social media cause stress, anxiety and hurt feelings in my other kids and I loved the idea of coming up with a way to spare Sivert from that.”

Klefsaas says the amount she paid him reflected the age he was allowed to rejoin the sites: 18. He celebrated the milestone on Saturday after six years off the social media radar.

“When I was 12, I thought $1,800 was a lot of money,” Sivert admitted. “There were definitely times where I wanted to crack. There were times I missed out on inside jokes or TikTok trends, but I found ways to be informed. My friends would eventually fill me in.”

Is this something you would do to keep your kids off of social media? Read more HERE!


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