Here comes Science again, with all of its facts and data. While I am a miserable, grouchy pain in the summer, the sun and summer may be good for you!

Via an interview with Dr. David Neubauer from

According to Neubauer, there’s research being done on the connection between sunlight and mood. “It is clear in cases where people are very depressed that strategic light exposure can have a direct therapeutic effect, especially those with seasonal affective disorder [a disorder where you become depressed in colder, darker months],” he says. “The principle is well-established. People… who are more down in the wintertime have more energy and their mood is up in the summer.” Basically, the brightness of summer can naturally enhance your mood and make you feel happier.

Me? I’m with Madam Mim from Sword in the Stone. I am happier and healthier in the cold months! I burn easily, though, so…

Check out more on the benefits of summer HERE!

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