Employees Help Co-Worker Attend His High School Graduation
Let’s do a nice story today!
Timothy Harrison was not expecting to make it to his high school graduation the night he showed up for work, but his co-workers had a different idea.
Harrison showed up to his shift at the Waffle House on the night of his graduation. He had no cap and gown, tickets for the graduation, or a ride to get to the ceremony.
Harrison’s co-workers at the Alabama Waffle House worked together to get some nice dress clothes, a cap and gown, and a ride to the graduation.
Even better? After Harrison’s graduation story went viral, Lawton State Community College offered him a full scholarship.
Harrison is excited about his future, saying, “To know that I have a path to go somewhere? That’s something new.”
What amazing co-workers Timothy has! Read more about this story HERE!
Do you remember your high school graduation? Haha, I certainly remember mine from 20 years ago! I was mostly jazzed about going to Disneyland for Grad Night.