I’m thinking I will be able to finally finish college after 20 years. For real-20. Unfortunately, this 12-year-old has to go and show me up.

A 12-year-old North Carolina boy used his downtime over the past year to take a few extra classes — and now he’s graduating high school and college in the same week.

Mike Wimmer completed two years of high school and a two-year associate’s degree in one year. He will graduate from Rowan-Cabarrus Community College on May 21, and from Concord Academy High School on May 28, where he is also the valedictorian.

Oh- and he created his own startup, called Reflect Social.

Wimmer said he’s already fielding job offers but might continue with more school insisting he’s having “the time of my life.”

So, basically, Mike is a genius. Gotcha. Check out more HERE!

What was your biggest dream when you were 12-years-old? 

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